Ver Angola


Mister Angola: representative of Kwanza Norte elected the most beautiful man in the country

Fernando João, 22, was the winner of Mister Angola 2020. The representative of the province of Kwanza Norte was elected as the most beautiful man in the country on Sunday, in an event that took place behind closed doors due to the Covid-19.


In second place was the representative of Huila, Sergio Rodrigues, 19, followed by Ramon Patas, 24, who was representing the province of Benguela.

Fernando João is now the face of Angola in international fashion competitions. "It's another dream achieved and a feeling of duty fulfilled, finally, after a month of intensive training, the title was won, because this was the great goal," said the winner, quoted by the Platinaline.

Because it took place behind closed doors, the event was streamed online for the first time.


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