Ver Angola


VAT: taxpayers to receive refund of 2.6 billion kwanzas

Between January and February of this year, 114 billion kwanzas were collected from Value Added Tax (VAT). The amount will allow the taxpayers to reimburse 2.6 billion kwanzas, revealed the director of the General Tax Administration (AGT), Hermenegildo Cosse.


Last year, 141 billion kwanzas were collected through the new tax, indicated the person in charge who was speaking during the meeting "VAT refund and exemption to diplomatic missions". According to the figures for 2019, VAT met 90 percent of the proposed objective of the General State Budget (GSB).

The administrator of AGT considered that the implementation of VAT in the country is very important so that non-oil tax revenue "has legs to walk.

Hermenegildo Cosse, cited by Angop, also said that AGT has been trying to ensure that VAT is implemented. For that, he said, 48 tax offices, 36 customs offices and 79 border posts are in operation, with the collaboration of 3800 workers.

The figures also indicate that 3500 taxpayers are registered under the transitional regime, 5000 under the non-obligation regime and 3034 under the general regime.

The Director of VAT Services, Wilson Agostinho Donge, said that the meeting aimed to clarify possible doubts about the procedures that are part of the request for reimbursement of VAT. He also indicated that AGT had 42 refund requests that did not meet the refund requirements.

"But more than four reimbursements have already been paid, in a total of two billion kwanzas, to taxpayers under the general regime", he added.

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