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CEO of the bank that owns Finibanco Angola and family die in helicopter crash

Herbert Wigwe, executive president of Nigeria's largest bank – which bought Finibanco Angola, now called Access Bank Angola – died this Sunday following a helicopter crash in California, United States of America. The same accident also killed the wife and son of the CEO and a former President of the Nigerian Stock Exchange.


"The executive president of Nigeria's largest bank and the former president of the country's Stock Exchange died in a helicopter crash in the United States, in California," both the bank and the Nigerian president announced this Sunday, according to Lusa.

The Access Bank Group, of which Herbert Wigwe was the current CEO, purchased Finibanco Angola from Banco Montepio in the summer of 2013, and the institution is currently called Access Bank Angola, explains Negócios.

A statement from the group also states that the CEO "died alongside his wife and son on Friday, February 9, 2024", stating that "the Access family is mourning the loss".

According to North American authorities, the accident killed two crew members and four passengers, a number that also includes the former President of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Abimbola Ogunbanjo.

The helicopter took off from Palm Springs, California, heading to Boulder City, Nevada. However, the aircraft did not even leave the state of California, having crashed near Nipton at 10 pm on Friday, according to the United States Federal Aviation Administration.

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