Ver Angola


Angolan government concerned about anger of cholera in the country

The Angolan government made this Sunday an appeal to the population to take preventive care in the face of increasing cholera cases, which can be aggravated by the rains of the coming months.

: Mohammed Elhassan
Mohammed Elhassan  

"The Ministry of Health communicates that cases of cholera are being reported in the municipality of Cacuaco expanding the border provinces of Icolo and Bengo and Bengo," the government says in a statement.

"Given the rapid progression of cases and deaths, there is a high risk of expansion of the outbreak across the country, especially in densely populated areas with limited access to drinking water and weak sanitation," adds the Ministry of Health.

The outbreak has been aggravated by the precipitation of recent weeks, a "situation that may get worse, with the arrival of the most intense rainfall in March and April."

Cholera “is a serious and contagious disease transmitted by water or food contaminated by the disease microbe, and can lead to death if the sick person is not treated quickly,” warns the ministry, which recommends to Angolans preventive behaviors.

Washing your hands often, treating drinking water with drops of strap, boiling water, washing raw food with boiled water or handled, or disinfecting the bathrooms are some of the health authorities' recommendations.

In suspicious cases, it should “give many liquids or homemade serum” with boiled water, sugar and salt, before transporting the patient to a health unit, the ministry also says.


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