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Events > Markets

Talatona Cultural and Gastronomic Fair


Between January 24th and 26th, the Talatona Cultural and Gastronomic Fair will be held.

In allusion to the 449th anniversary of the city of Luanda and 50 years of national independence, the fair will take place at Largo da Administração de Talatona, from 1 pm to 10 pm.

Live music and chat panels are some of the event's attractions.

On Friday, a panel will be held on 'Technology and Innovation: Building the Future of Angola', and the musical moment will be led by the artist Selda.

On Saturday, the panel will have the theme 'Flavors of Talatona: Gastronomy as Cultural Heritage'. On that day, it will be Totó and Tukayana Lopes' turn to take the stage.

On the last day of the fair, the panel will be on the theme 'Angola on Stage: Culture and Arts'.

Admission is free.

For more information, visit the Facebook page of the Municipality of Talatona.

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