This reinforcement results from the end of a training that lasted half a year, whose event took place at the SIC da Damba Training Center, in the municipality of Mucari, and where the Minister of the Interior, Eugénio Laborinho, the governor of the province of Malanje, Marcos Nhunga, as well as senior officials from the ministry in question were present.
According to a statement from the Provincial Government of Malanje, to which VerAngola had access, during the training, personnel were trained in matters related to military instruction, criminal investigation techniques and tactics, among others.
"The training lasted six months and professionals were equipped with subjects related to military instruction, criminal investigation techniques and tactics, first aid, health and hygiene at work, weapons and shooting, military topography, military legal training, personal defense, ethics and police deontology, criminal investigation methodology, secret operational work, behavioral management, among others", reads the statement.
On the occasion, the Minister of the Interior said that "the training of new staff for the SIC is part of the cooperation rejuvenation plan, which foresees the reinforcement of staff in various specialties to better respond to current challenges".
Quoted in the statement, Laborinho called for "strict compliance with SIC's professional ethics and deontology", as well as abstaining from actions that tarnish the "name of cooperation".
Marcos Nhunga also intervened, who took the opportunity to leave a word of encouragement for the new agents, with the aim of redoubling "efforts in combating crimes that harm the homeland, due to the fact that they are acts that have undermined the Government's actions".
António Paulo Bendje, general director, took the opportunity to reaffirm the body's "commitment to the continuous training of staff to face the challenges imposed by the country's current context", the statement also states.
These more than 1700 staff who completed SIC training in Damba, are integrated into the first course, which, the note adds, "was divided into two batches", thus joining the 1000 staff trained at the end of last year.