Ver Angola


Manuel Homem exonerates the management of the General Hospital of Luanda

The Governor of the Province of Luanda, Manuel Homem, dismissed this Wednesday the management of the General Hospital of Luanda, appointing new names for the main positions. Francisco Quinto is the new managing director.


According to a statement from the Office of Social Communication of the Government of the Province of Luanda (GPL), the dismissals were made "for convenience of service".

Also according to the document, to which VerAngola had access, in other dispatches, the Governor appointed the following responsible:

Francisco Adolfo Manuel Quinto, appointed by the Service Commission to hold the position of Director General Hospital de Luanda;

Magalhães da Silva Baião Sobrinho, appointed by the Service Commission to exercise the position of Clinical Director of the General Hospital of Luanda;

Paula Tomás Katuco, appointed by the Service Commission to hold the post of Director of Nursing at the General Hospital of Luanda;

José Luis Janota, appointed by the Service Commission to exercise the position of Pedagogical and Scientific Director of the General Hospital of Luanda;

Tresor Bongo Gomes Tiago, appointed by the Service Commission to exercise the position of Administrative Director of the General Hospital of Luanda.

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