Ver Angola


Production of the new kwanza notes will cost 30 million dollars

Governor of the National Bank of Angola revealed that the production value of the new banknotes corresponds to the value that is currently used to maintain the kwanza.


To produce the new kwanzas notes, the state plans to spend around 30 million dollars, a number that is currently used to maintain the kwanza, said José de Lima Massano, governor of the National Bank of Angola, on Wednesday. However, he left the caveat that the amount to be spent will depend on the pace of circulation of the new banknotes.

"What we want, and this is how the exercise is organized, is that the cost we would have with the sanitation, will be the cost we will have with the introduction of the new banknotes of the kwanza," said the responsible, not indicating the amount of new notes that will begin to circulate in the first phase of the change, quoted by Novo Jornal.

José de Lima Massano said that three companies have already been chosen to produce the banknotes: one from Russia, one from Germany and one from the United States. The reference in the international market, which countries have already produced banknotes and the technical capacities, were the criteria listed by the governor of the bank to justify the choice of the companies.


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