Ver Angola


Transfer of 500 million to London was not registered, says BNA governor

José de Lima Massano, governor of the National Bank of Angola (BNA), revealed this Wednesday in court that the transfer of 500 million dollars to London had not been registered.


According to the Governor the transaction "should have been" recorded "if the process had proceeded normally", this being a sign that there were irregularities with the transaction.

"A normal operation does not cease to be officially recorded and this was not the case with that operation", revealed José de Lima Massano, quoted by Novo Jornal.

José de Lima Massano added that the transaction had not been dated correctly: the transfer was made in August 2017, but the record was not made until December of that year, considering that the discrepancy in date could be synonymous of irregularities.

He said he did not yet know whether it was possible to conceal operations involving government figures and again pointed that the registration of the transfer in question did not follow normal procedures.

José de Lima Massano is being heard as a witness, at the request of Valter Filipe's defence, in the context of the '500 million case' trial.

The '500 million' case, as it is already known, involves a supposed transfer of 500 million dollars from the National Bank of Angola to the account of a ghost company, based in a British bank, in September 2017, to finance an operation linked to the creation of a strategic fund.

The defendants - José Filomeno "Zenu" dos Santos, Jorge Gaudens, Valter Filipe and António Samalia Bule - are accused of the crimes of embezzlement, fraud, money laundering and influence peddling.


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