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Police arrested a man who promised a job at the United Nations in exchange for money

The Criminal Investigation Service arrested a citizen, who in exchange for 30,000 or 50,000 kwanzas promised to find a job at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Lunda Norte province.


According to a note from the Lunda Norte provincial delegation of the Ministry of the Interior, the man, who was posing as a UNHCR official, was arrested on Sunday after a complaint from officials of that United Nations agency.

The case began on the 6th of this month, when the alleged scammer, realizing a vacancy in the UNHCR office to fill the role of assistant water technician, acquired the form, which was used to advertise the supposed contest and attract interested young people, claiming there were more than 30 vacancies.

The supposed scammer, continues the note, reached 50 entries, for which he charged amounts ranging from 30 thousand kwanzas to 50 thousand kwanzas.

In the note, the authorities call on society, in particular young people, to be attentive to promises of employment from individuals, and to respond only to advertisements in the media.

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