Ver Angola




Angolan program aimed at African youth arrives on screens in Mozambique

An Angolan program aimed at African youth will be shown, starting in June, on TV Moçambique. Entitled “A tua atitude determina a tua altitude” and presented by Angolan Kennedy Luís, the interview program will air every Sunday, from 10 am, on the...


Union denounces “abuse of authority” on public radio

The Union of Angolan Journalists denounced an alleged “abuse of authority” by the administration of Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA), for trying to prevent the holding of a workers' assembly, classifying it as a deliberate desire to restrict trade...


Minister of Social Communication: Angola “is not a perfect society” and training journalists is a challenge

The Minister of Social Communication said, this Friday, that Angola "is not yet a perfect society", admitting that training journalists constitutes a challenge, especially in the field of information technologies.

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