Ver Angola




Ministry of health will purchase 10 thousand kits of essential medicines

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) will acquire ten thousand 'kits' of essential medicines, in the simplified contracting modality (direct adjustment) for a value of nine billion kwanzas.


NGO criticizes lack of response to HIV/AIDS in Angola

The head of a network of Angolan organizations lamented, this Tuesday, the deficient national response to HIV/AIDS and the lack of support, which he says led to the closure of community organizations and patients abandoning treatments.


Authorized expenditure of six billion to requalify Hospital do Prenda. Unit will have an additional 100 beds

An expense of approximately six billion kwanzas intended for the requalification and expansion of Hospital do Prenda was authorized by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço. With this project, it is expected that the hospital infrastructure...

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