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New prices for public transport in Luanda will vary between 150 and 200 kwanzas

The government announced, this Wednesday, that the fare for public transport in Luanda will vary between 150 kwanzas for buses and 200 kwanzas, for public taxis, being fixed locally in the remaining provinces.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

According to a press release from the Ministry of Transport (Mintrans), the fare for collective taxis, to be charged on routes up to 16 kilometers, will now cost each passenger 200 kwanzas in the province of Luanda.

As for urban buses, they now cost 150 kwanzas, covering a minimum length of 20 kilometers, on all routes in the province of Luanda.

The values were decided after consultation with taxi drivers' associations and taxi cooperatives, as well as associations of road passenger transport operators in the province of Luanda.

For the other provinces, the new tariffs will be set locally, depending on their respective cost structures.

The government and taxi drivers agreed, in a meeting held on the 3rd, to increase the taxi fare to 200 kwanzas, against the current "race" price, set at 150 kwanzas, with the new tariff expected to be made official by May 15th.

Private nine-seater taxis, known as candongueiros or "blue and white", are one of the cheapest and most popular means of transport in the country, especially in the capital, where thousands of vehicles of this type circulate.

The executive decided to gradually adjust petroleum products to market levels by 2025, starting the process with the change in the price of gasoline in June 2023, which went from 160 kwanzas to the current 300 kwanzas.

This was followed by diesel, last month, which rose from 135 kwanzas to 200 kwanzas per liter, according to the Petroleum Derivatives Regulatory Institute.

The withdrawal of the state fuel subsidy for taxi drivers was initially scheduled for April 30, but the authorities decided to extend the deadline for another 15 days.


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