Ver Angola


Revista Telegrama distinguishes Angolan female deputies

A total of ten female deputies from the country, including Carolina Cerqueira (president of the National Assembly), were distinguished by Revista Telegrama among the 100 most influential women in the country.

: Parlamento

This distinction – which took place on Thursday night, in the capital – aims to recognize "her significant contributions to political leadership and the advancement of a fairer society", says a statement from parliament, to which VerAngola had access.

In addition to Carolina Cerqueira, the list of distinguished deputies also includes the names of Aia-Eza Silva Troso, Albertina Ngolo Felisberto, Emília Carlota Celestino Dias, as well as Idalina Valente.

Luísa Damião, Maria Ângela Bragança, Maria de Lourdes Caposso Fernandes, Mihaela Webba and Paula Oliveira are also among the deputies recognized by the magazine.

According to the statement, this initiative by Revista Telegrama – a publication that focuses on finance, business, oil, gas, economics and politics – aims to "recognize the potential of Angolan women, who represent 52 percent of the population, and their growing representation in the legislative, executive and judicial powers and in civil society".

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