Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance

More than 2.7 billion kwanzas are moved per month on the Multicaixa network

Each month, the Multicaixa network moves more than 2.7 billion kwanzas, through a set of 3.6 thousand ATMs, approximately 185 thousand automatic payment terminals (TPA) and more than 1.2 million Multicaixa Express users.


Furthermore, according to a statement from Multicaixa, to which VerAngola had access, more than 176 million financial transactions are processed monthly through the Multicaixa network.

According to the note, the social impact of the aforementioned network, over the years, has been positive, due to the "continuous implementation of innovative, safe, fast, efficient and disruptive services", which has strengthened citizens' confidence in the execution of financial operations.

Assuming itself as one of the "greatest contributions to technological innovation and digital transformation in recent years" in the country, the Multicaixa network leaves the promise of continuing to innovate, and "in this sense, it will allow the total dematerialization of the multicaixa card, being in the vanguard of electronic and digital payments in Angola, leveraging new forms of payment, placing the country on the path to the most modern technological advances on the world market".

"This success is due to its participants in general, but above all, to the users of the services offered by Rede Multicaixa", the note also states.

The company also reiterates its commitment to "continuing to contribute to the massification of electronic payments towards the total digitalization of payments in Angola, with security, convenience and confidence in their use".

It should be noted that the Multicaixa network marked, this Thursday (18 April), 22 years of existence. Its launch took place on April 18, 2002, at a time when Angola "was facing the challenge of overcoming the low rate of banking access and the degree of distrust in relation to banking services among the population".


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